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Fruit & Nut Rice Pudding Wise Owl

Arroz Con Leche Rice Pudding

Surprise your kid with this cute little treat. Who can resist this adorable little fruit & nut owl made using Señor Rico® Rice Pudding?

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Made with Señor Rico®

Rice Pudding Single Serve

Traditional Recipe Topped with Cinnamon

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    Prep Time

  • 5 minutes


  • 1 (8 oz) Señor Rico® Rice Pudding
  • 1 strawberry
  • 1 banana
  • coconut shavings
  • 1 orange
  • blueberries
  • pecans


  • Empty rice pudding container into a bowl.
  • Cut strawberry in quarters, place at edge of bowl to make owl wings.
  • Slice banana and use two pieces to make the eyes. Place two blueberries on top.
  • Peel orange and use segments to create the beak and feet.
  • Chop pecan in half and make the eyebrows.
  • Use coconut shavings to make chest feathers. Serve.

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